AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Here's the place to ask all of your medical questions. But don't believe everything you read!

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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by Nomore767 »

"IMSAFE is NOT the same as an AME exam. "

Who said it is? Actually…..only YOU imply that it is!
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by Nomore767 »

IMSAFE is NOT a self-medical exam.

If you'd bother to read CFR 61.53 and CFT 61.23 then you'd see it clearly explained so that you could finally understand.

IMSAFE is SIMPLY a way for a pilot to say to himself…am I safe and able to conduct this flight safely? It's just that and NOT all the things you're reading into it and applying your agenda. Thinking it is doesn't make it so. Posting that it is does a disservice to new and low-time pilots.
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by azsportpilot »

3Dreaming wrote:I know a AME who when it come to the time that passing a medical is in doubt will suggest flying as a sport pilot. He will tell you that passing a medical doesn't mean you are healthy, it just means you meet the FAA standards. By the same token if you don't meet the FAA standards it doesn't mean you are too un-healthy to fly. His first and foremost concern is the health of the applicant.
I hate to tell you this but that is the old way, the feds got tired of that practice, the new way is you apply for the physical online on:

there are NO EXCEPTIONS no apply = no exam

there is nothing the AME can do to "Fudge" this, he cant say you weren't there etc

its either pass or fail at that point, the option to let it expire is gone once you apply online

if you fail to get a physical by your expiration date medExpress will file a Deferral on your expiration date, 90 days later it will turn into a Denial automatically
John Sarra CFI-S
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by BrianL99 »

azsportpilot wrote:
its either pass or fail at that point, the option to let it expire is gone once you apply online

if you fail to get a physical by your expiration date medExpress will file a Deferral on your expiration date, 90 days later it will turn into a Denial automatically

Are you sure that's true?

The FAA says if you don't use in 60 days, it's deleted.
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by 3Dreaming »

azsportpilot wrote:
3Dreaming wrote:I know a AME who when it come to the time that passing a medical is in doubt will suggest flying as a sport pilot. He will tell you that passing a medical doesn't mean you are healthy, it just means you meet the FAA standards. By the same token if you don't meet the FAA standards it doesn't mean you are too un-healthy to fly. His first and foremost concern is the health of the applicant.
I hate to tell you this but that is the old way, the feds got tired of that practice, the new way is you apply for the physical online on:

there are NO EXCEPTIONS no apply = no exam

there is nothing the AME can do to "Fudge" this, he cant say you weren't there etc

its either pass or fail at that point, the option to let it expire is gone once you apply online

if you fail to get a physical by your expiration date medExpress will file a Deferral on your expiration date, 90 days later it will turn into a Denial automatically
The AME I spoke to was refering to the MedExpress application system. He was told this when he was in training in OKC. Maybe the way they were doing it has changed. All I know is what he told me, and what he said is the application doesn't become an application until he accesses it with your access code.
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by BrianL99 »

3Dreaming wrote:
azsportpilot wrote:
3Dreaming wrote:I know a AME who when it come to the time that passing a medical is in doubt will suggest flying as a sport pilot. He will tell you that passing a medical doesn't mean you are healthy, it just means you meet the FAA standards. By the same token if you don't meet the FAA standards it doesn't mean you are too un-healthy to fly. His first and foremost concern is the health of the applicant.
I hate to tell you this but that is the old way, the feds got tired of that practice, the new way is you apply for the physical online on:

there are NO EXCEPTIONS no apply = no exam

there is nothing the AME can do to "Fudge" this, he cant say you weren't there etc

its either pass or fail at that point, the option to let it expire is gone once you apply online

if you fail to get a physical by your expiration date medExpress will file a Deferral on your expiration date, 90 days later it will turn into a Denial automatically
The AME I spoke to was refering to the MedExpress application system. He was told this when he was in training in OKC. Maybe the way they were doing it has changed. All I know is what he told me, and what he said is the application doesn't become an application until he accesses it with your access code.
I think that's accurate. If you fill out the application online, once you give the "code" to an AME, it then becomes active. Up until that time, it's not active and is deleted after 60 days. (At least that's my understanding of the system.)
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by SportPilot »

Last edited by SportPilot on Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by 3Dreaming »

This is from a FAA Medexpress document for pilots.

When your AME imports your application using your confirmation number and saves it in the FAA’s medical certification system, the application is considered a permanent record.

Here is the link to the document. ... xpress.pdf

To me this says an application is not a application until it is accessed by your AME. This is why they recommend that you print your application before you hit submit, so the AME can review it without having to access it making it official.
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by HAPPYDAN »

3Dreaming wrote:This is from a FAA Medexpress document for pilots.

When your AME imports your application using your confirmation number and saves it in the FAA’s medical certification system, the application is considered a permanent record.

Here is the link to the document. ... xpress.pdf

To me this says an application is not a application until it is accessed by your AME. This is why they recommend that you print your application before you hit submit, so the AME can review it without having to access it making it official.
When I went for my 3rd class medical exam, the AME emailed asking me to print and bring my online application. Once there, he "suggested" we treat this exam as a pre-screen, to perhaps avoid any FAA entanglements. Dumb me, I didn't listen, I failed. Proceeded to jump through FAA hoops to get my problems corrected through a very cooperative eye doctor. Finally got the medical and student pilot permit months later.
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by 3Dreaming »

3Dreaming wrote:This is from a FAA Medexpress document for pilots.

When your AME imports your application using your confirmation number and saves it in the FAA’s medical certification system, the application is considered a permanent record.

Here is the link to the document. ... xpress.pdf

To me this says an application is not a application until it is accessed by your AME. This is why they recommend that you print your application before you hit submit, so the AME can review it without having to access it making it official.
When I went for my 3rd class medical exam, the AME emailed asking me to print and bring my online application. Once there, he "suggested" we treat this exam as a pre-screen, to perhaps avoid any FAA entanglements. Dumb me, I didn't listen, I failed. Proceeded to jump through FAA hoops to get my problems corrected through a very cooperative eye doctor. Finally got the medical and student pilot permit months later.
So, you didn't bring a copy of your application forcing the AME to open your application online making it official?
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by deltafox »

Reference: ... th-records

In a separate but seemingly related effort, the FAA is conducting a market survey for a major update to its aeromedical technology infrastructure called the Aerospace Medicine Safety Information System (Amsis).....One way that Amsis will perform this tracking is to tap various sources of data to help the AAM make better decisions about the medical qualification of pilots. Or as the FAA explained, “Amsis will provide better data accessibility and a greater ability to analyze medical information and denial data to identify safety trends that could impact system safety.”

...So how is that 3rd Class Medical proposal doing?
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by azsportpilot »

almost 19,000 people have signed the letter and contacted their representatives in congress (automatically, just a few clicks)

while that represents 10-15 % of the EAA membership and just 5% of the licensed pilots, its still a large group.... keep in mind many in congress are pilots

really is just a few clicks, enter your zip code etc. takes about 20 seconds… then letter is sent automatically for you

If you are for sport aviation then practice what you preach

Please take 20 seconds right now and do it

Fly Safe
John Sarra CFI-S
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by SportPilot »

Last edited by SportPilot on Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by azsportpilot »

Dear Subscriber:
General Aviation needs your help TODAY!
We need to act immediately on the issue of the Third Class Medical issue.
The US Senate is currently considering a “must pass” bill to fund our nation’s highway programs. An amendment has been filed to the highway bill by Senator Joe Manchin that would bring needed reforms to the third class medical process. This amendment will help General Aviation by removing costly and antiquated requirements making it easier and safer for tens of thousands of people to fly.
As soon as you are finished reading this message, please call or email your US Senators and simply ask them to:
a) Support Third Class Medical reform by voting in favor of the Manchin Amendment to the highway bill (Amendment #2267). This adds third class medical reform language to the highway bill (#PBOR2). And,
b) Urge your Senators to co-sponsor the Pilot’s Bill of Rights “S. 571”
This is very easy and you can do it right now:
1. Simply call: 202-224-3121 and ask to speak to your Senator’s office. Tell the Senator’s office you are constituent and you are calling to urge him/her to support the Manchin Amendment to the highway bill currently under consideration.

2. Simply CLICK HERE to find your Senator’s email address and direct office phone number and deliver the same message.

Whichever way you choose, please contact your Senators now. Time is of the essence as the vote is tomorrow.
All of General Aviation thanks you!
Greg Herrick, President
Aviation Foundation of America, Inc. and

PS: Please take action immediately. Every minute counts!
What these reforms mean: Third Class Medical Reform has the potential to dramatically increase the pilot population. It simply seeks to expand an existing and successful FAA standard that has been in place for one segment of general aviation (GA) pilots for more than a decade. The data gathered over this period shows that the third-class medical certificate has become antiquated and does nothing to improve safety. But it still costs pilots millions of dollars every year!
Third class medical reform will save pilots like me money and time while also providing savings to the federal government; it will improve general aviation safety; and it will help reverse the precipitous decline in the pilot population. When we have more pilots flying, American companies build and sell more airplanes, aviation-related businesses add jobs, and the economy grows.
The legislation will also provide GA pilots with additional protections to remedy unfair practices and regulations by expanding the first Pilot’s Bill of Rights. The first Pilot’s Bill of Rights received overwhelming support in both the House and Senate and became law in 2012.
The Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2 is supported by thousands of individual pilots like me, and by the entire general aviation community including the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, the Experimental Aircraft Association, the Flying Dentists Association, the Flying Physicians Association, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, the Helicopter Association International, the National Agricultural Aviation Association, the National Air Transportation Association, and the National Business Aviation Association.
John Sarra CFI-S
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Re: AOPA Fed Up with Medical Reform Delays

Post by drseti »

At this point, it doesn't matter what the Senate does with the highway reauthorization rider. The House is poised to pass a 90 day stopgap measure today, and will only take up a 2-year highway bill after they come back from summer recess. With no longterm highway bill on the immediate horizon, 3rd class medical reform is way down on Congress' priority list.
The opinions posted are those of one CFI, and do not necessarily represent the FAA or its lawyers.
Prof H Paul Shuch
[email protected]
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