Greetings from Charles Town, WV

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Greetings from Charles Town, WV

Post by Merlinspop »

Good day, All.

I'm Bruce from WV. I've held my PPL for about 8 years now, after taking 8 years of fits and starts and life getting in the way to achieve it. Then, just two years after, I was involved in a motorcycle accident. I (and my neurologist agrees) have no residual effects of the accident, but rather than risk a denial I haven't tried to get my medical renewed. Anyway... this is why I've been interested in flying with Sport Pilot privileges and the LSA segment since its inception. I also have an (almost) 3 year old and his 11 year old brother. Them, along with my 4+ hour a day commute in and out of DC, haven't left much time to devote to flying, but I decided to try to make a go of it again.

I took a demo flight in a Carbon Cub a year ago, which set a very high bar on the Fun-o-meter. But that was more of a fun flight than a lesson.

Having said all that, I flew yesterday morning in a SportCruiser out of GAI. First real flying workout I've had in about 6 years. Was pretty bouncy below 3k which happened to be where all the landing opportunities were, so we bobbed and weaved as best we could. Breakfast stayed where it belonged, so that was good. Did some air work then I made a couple of landings at Clearview (1800' runway -still need to stop for their commemorative coffee mug!). Then back to GAI. I really enjoyed the SportCruiser. Hopefully I'll have a chance to fly other LSAs over time.

Lots of rust, of course, but it felt good to be back in the air. Hopefully I'll be able to carve out enough time to regain and then retain enough competence to fly with my sons (one at a time!) now and then. Well... that's my story... I'm looking forward to participating on this forum.

- Bruce
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Re: Greetings from Charles Town, WV

Post by drseti »

Welcome aboard, Bruce. I happen to believe that not risking an FAA medical was a wise choice. You can have lots of fun flying LSAs, and the Sport Pilot restrictions still leave you lots of room for productice flying.

I would recommend you seek out rigorous LSA transition training, as these little birds are probably unlike anying you flew as a Private Pilot. I have a three-day transition course in rural central PA, designed for folks just like you, should you care to take a vacation and get a healthy dose of WD-40 to loosen up that rust. Even counts as a flight review and qualifies you for a phase of FAA Safety Team Wings. See for details.

Any questions, just ask. There are a bunch of very helpful folks here.

Safe skies,
The opinions posted are those of one CFI, and do not necessarily represent the FAA or its lawyers.
Prof H Paul Shuch
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Re: Greetings from Charles Town, WV

Post by Merlinspop »

Thanks, Paul.

And thanks for the offer. I'm working with Fleming Aviation and I'm confident that they will ensure I make a good transition into the LSA world.

I did my training in a T-hawk and I seem to be one of the few who truly love that airplane. My first date with the SportCruiser was nice, and I'm sure I'll develop a nice relationship with it, but on Sunday there was a lot more awkward wresting than I like. Too much overreacting on my part. I know it's a matter of she and I getting to know each other and reaching an understanding.

I am a proponent of being on the correct approach speed with attitude and using throttle to make the fine tuning adjustments to glideslope and reading my drift and making gentle bank and yaw movements to correct for drift. I always try for smooth. It'll get there again, I suspect.
- Bruce
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