Aviation Spam Email - Request for Money - Interesting Event!

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Aviation Spam Email - Request for Money - Interesting Event!

Post by designrs »

Very unique SPAM email that I received.
Might be interesting if it was real.
Too bad it just came from a Yahoo email, and had no educational institution reference credibility anywhere in the email.

It would be fun to know more if it were real...
or to pull their chain for a while if it's a scam! LOL

Dear Sir/Madam:
We, The 4th year BS Tourism Management students are writing to see if your company would be interested in sponsoring a grand convention entitled                              “Bringing Altitude to the Ground: Captivating the Hearts of Travelers through Innovation of In-Flight Services and Entertainment”.
                                                                The objectives of this event are as follows:
a.        To enhance the knowledge of the participants on In-Flight Services specialty
basic procedures and proper handling of passengers during flight.
b.        To identify its contribution to the tourism industry.
This program will be held on23, 2012, Sunday, from 4:00pm to 9:00pm at the Clamshell,Intramuros, Manila. Your generous sponsorship would be highlighted in announcement to our members, during the introduction of the event itself, and in an article about the workshop to be published in our newsletter afterwards. You and other representatives of your company would be most welcome to attend so we could thank you personally for your support.
The estimated audience of 250 would benefit tremendously from your generosity. The cost to sponsor this event would be worth of Php6,000 – Php10,000 for the major and Php1,000 – Php5,000 for minor sponsorship. We would be most appreciative of a response to let us know of your interest.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you and more power!
                                                                Sincerely yours,
                                                Joy M. Faner
                                                Documentation Head
                                                                Paul Jourdan B. Ignacio                                      Aibee Marie M. Apostol
                                                                Chairman                                                                              Secretary General
                                                                Noted by:                                                                 Approved by:
                                                                Ms. Maria Criselda I. Desolo                                             Ms. Carmila S. De La Rosa
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