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Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 4:03 pm
by Half Fast
Cluemeister wrote:Onward and upward!

Just remember that what goes upward must come downward gently..... :)

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 3:59 pm
by Cluemeister
Had a loooong week at work, so never got chance to go back up. But this morning an opportunity arose for the solo x country. I had reserved the plane for Saturday morning just in case. I met with my new CFI, and he grilled me on my flight plan.

We called flight services and got the standard briefing. A grumpy representative got on the line, and it took some time to get him to be civil. My CFI has been flying for 40 years and was surprised by the rudeness. Very unusual. We got that ironed out, and it was all good except visibility was low at the departure airport. By the time I got to the airport, it was expected to be full 10 miles. Got to the airport, and weather was good. Called Wx brief again, and filed a flight plan and got an abbreviated briefing this time. Much more helpful guy!

Pre flighted, and decided to do once around the pattern, as I had not flown in 8 days. Went up, around and landed. No bounce, not the best landing, but certainly fine. Called WX Brief and activated the flight plan. The x country was KRZR - 2A0 - KDNN - KRZR. Basically northwest to Dayton, Tn, south to Dalton, GA, and then back to Cleveland TN. See attached image.

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:04 pm
by Cluemeister
Departed and headed to Mark Anton in Dayton, TN. Short trip of under 20nm. Was there before I knew it. I announced my intentions of what pattern and runway, and then another aircraft got on the radio and said he was entering pattern for the opposite runway. As I was still 5 miles out, I checked AWOS, winds still calm, so I got on the radio and announced I was going to land at the same runway as the other aircraft.

Came in for a landing at a pretty straightforward, but not that familiar airport. Held her steady in for the landing, and came in decent. No bounce, and not too messy. Full stop, got out, and took a picture. First landing by myself at an airport different than the one I've been flying at for the last few months. Felt really good!

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:10 pm
by Cluemeister
Now the long leg of the trip. Dayton TN, to Dalton, GA. 46nm. By this time, it's closer to noon, and temps are climbing to 90 degrees. Soooo things from here in out were pretty bumpy. The first leg to Dayton at 3,000 ft was fairly smooth, but very short.

Took off from Dayton, and headed south. Again kept it at 3000, as there were some scattered clouds around 4,000. Both the Garmin and Foreflight had me right on track, but I couldn't see the airport as I got close. Then I saw it to my right. I did a crossover midfield, and then joined the pattern. Pattern height is 800' AGL here, which I don't really like. Feels too low, as I've been practicing at a 1,000' AGL airport.

Came in kind of high, and floated a little while. :) But did a decent job landing, and now there were two stops in the books. Talked with the guy at the FBO in Dalton, and it turns out he's rented the Skycatcher I fly in, and likes it. I took a few pictures here, one of the mountains in the background, and one of the FBO. Two down, one more to go.

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:18 pm
by designrs
Well alright! It's great to follow the progress of your pilot journey!

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:24 pm
by Cluemeister
Departed Dalton, GA and headed north. Heat was really strong, and the climb out was weak. But I held on through the bumps, wanting to get high enough for options if the engine went out. Climbed out eventually, and after a while, I could see Cleveland in the distance. Bumpy all the way back.

Got on the AWOS about 15 miles out, and the weather was changing minute by minute. First it favored runway 3, and then runway 21. Definitely one side or the other of a direct crosswind. And the occasional report had gusts up to 12 knots. Now my CFI put limits on my landings at 10 knots, and 6 knots crosswind. The reports were on the good side of these, (some variable, some 4 knots, some 6, etc.). I chose Runway 21 and entered the pattern. My Garmin on screen said I had a quartering headwind on the downwind leg. Maybe the wind is different at pattern altitude? I made my calls, and came in on 21. Floated a lot, but got it lined up nicely, and then flared. Everything seemed fine until I bounced. Crap.

Held it, held it, and she came down. I thought to myself that I had done it. But I thought too soon. The plane bounced a little. I know the one bounce rule, and wasn't about to find out of this was close enough to the runway and slow enough. Go around time. Carb heat in, full throttle, and off I went. Announced to traffic my go around.

Gave it another try. My plane was telling me runway 3 but AWOS was saying 21. I came in again for 21, and my plane showed a 8 knot tailwind. I couldn't easily get the plane down, so I made the decision to go around about 50' above the runway. I announced that I would be coming in on 3 this time (no one else in pattern). Abeam the numbers, took a deep breath, and went base and final. Slight headwind, but probably a 6 knot crosswind. I put my left wing down slightly, and kept myself aligned. I held it down the middle, and came in for a pretty decent landing. Whew!

Taxied, and secured the aircraft. Called and closed the flight plan.

A final picture of my home airport. Home sweet home.

I texted my CFI, and told him I had landed safely, and would have questions for him.

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 5:21 pm
by cynamonb
Kudos, good job.

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 7:45 pm
by Flocker
Awesome PIREP! I see a checkride in your future...

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 8:12 pm
by Half Fast
Wow! Well done, sir!

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 9:03 pm
by Cluemeister
Almost forgot:

35.6 Total hours

28.9 w/instructor
6.7 solo

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:55 pm
by 3Dreaming
Good job on your cross country. I'm curious if there was any reason why you made the extra stop on your cross country, instead of just straight out and back?

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:15 am
by Cluemeister
3Dreaming wrote:Good job on your cross country. I'm curious if there was any reason why you made the extra stop on your cross country, instead of just straight out and back?
I don't know if three stops is a requirement or just optional. I preferred 3 stops. Made a more interesting experience. I believe it has to be 75nm minimum, with one leg at least 25nm.

Either way, the answer is I'm not sure, my CFI determined the locations. :)

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:43 am
by rcpilot
Cluemeister wrote:
3Dreaming wrote:Good job on your cross country. I'm curious if there was any reason why you made the extra stop on your cross country, instead of just straight out and back?
I don't know if three stops is a requirement or just optional. I preferred 3 stops. Made a more interesting experience. I believe it has to be 75nm minimum, with one leg at least 25nm.

Either way, the answer is I'm not sure, my CFI determined the locations. :)
Hey it doesn't matter. Makes it more interesting but for Sport Pilot the requirement is just 25nm. I believe for private it's 75 nm. Good job!

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:15 am
by Flocker
From ยง61.313

"One solo cross-country flight of at least 75 nautical miles total distance, with a full-stop landing at a minimum of two points and one segment of the flight consisting of a straight-line distance of at least 25 nautical miles between the takeoff and landing locations."

Re: My week of flight training - Review of events

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:37 am
by Cluemeister
Is the departing airport one of the two points? For instance, could you fly from point A - 40nm to point B, and then 40nm back to point A?