
Sport aviation is growing rapidly. But the new sport pilot / light-sport aircraft rules are still a mystery to many flight schools and instructors. To locate a flight school offering sport pilot training and/or light-sport aircraft rentals, click on the "Flight School And Rental Finder" tab above. This is a great place to share ideas on learning to fly, flight schools, costs and anything else related to training.

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Location: Philadelphia, PA

Post by Flyboyz »

Glad to see that i'm not the only one sailing in the boat.... exactly in the same shoes as you'll in the forum - bouncing around schools & instructors, burning up the money and going no where - its extremely frustrating - we forget what we learn and hate to repeat the same with new schools/instructors - initially when i started my training, my respect for GA was at high esteem, sad to see it deteriorating..... the issues i'had are very similar to what members mentioned in this thread, but i guess am hanging in there with a hope that one day i would reap the joy of flying.....

Targetbuster wrote:I completed my sport license in February. I can't tell you how many times I felt just like you. This was, without a doubt, the most frustrating thing I've ever done. Many of the issues were the same for me as I hear you describe. For me, I just wasn't going to go to my grave wishing and dreaming I had done this. Flying is like nothing else, don't quit. You are 90 percent there. Take a breather but don't decide to give it up without sleeping on it for a few days.
I had 60 plus hours before my check ride. I think this is more common than you think. Learning and flying an airplane is not an easy task by anyone's measure and jumping through all the hoops just adds to the mix. Hang in there, don't let them do this to your dream. You will always regret it if you do. Jmho.

P.S. I too, lost "the fun" during this phase of things. But it comes back pretty quickly after that examiner smiles and says "congrats, you passed"
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Post by goinaround »

Just saw your post, believe me I'm so glad all that's behind me, Stick it out, I just flew my first passenger, we went into First flight, the Wright Brothers memorial, It seems all my troubles were a long time ago.
Chin up, courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it's that voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.
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Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:57 pm
Location: Texas

Post by theoarno »

Mr. Around
I am glad to see that you made it. Congrats.
It is very frustrating to see some guy who has been signed off to solo by your instructor, bounce the plane down the runway and break off the nose wheel while you are still flying with an instructor. It makes you think "is my IP nuts or do I really suck worse than that idiot"?
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