Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by Kregster »

So bottom line, the way I read and would seem others are of the same opinion, if you have held a Class 3 med certificate (with the 10 years, blah, blah) even if you never obtained a private pilot certificate, you could obtain a PP certificate using the new BasicMed guidelines. Agreed?
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by 3Dreaming »

Kregster wrote:So bottom line, the way I read and would seem others are of the same opinion, if you have held a Class 3 med certificate (with the 10 years, blah, blah) even if you never obtained a private pilot certificate, you could obtain a PP certificate using the new BasicMed guidelines. Agreed?
What I put was direct copy and paste from the FAA.
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by MrMorden »

This will help a lot of pilots, but leaves a lot of them in the same predicament.

The big problem here is related to the SI rules with BasicMed. If you have had any cardiovascular problems requiring care, you need an SI. Let's say you have a stent put in. Now you need an SI, which is in fact a medical. EVEN IF YOU HAD A MEDICAL IN THE LAST TEN YEARS, if this is a new condition, you need a one-time SI. Now you are back to the same old catch-22 -- if you apply for the SI and are denied, you can't even fly under Sport Pilot rules anymore. It's hang up the spurs or fly ultralights, balloons, and/or gliders, my friend.

So, many people with cardio (or neuro or psych, but those combined are far fewer) history are in the same boat as before: Apply for an SI and risk ending your flying career for good, or say "eff it" and continue flying Sport Pilot. I enjoy the hell out of flying SP and don't have a great need to fly heavy, fast airplanes, so I know what I would choose.

Honestly, I think the FAA did the bare minimum here to mollify Congress, and there is little relief here for the pilots that need it. It's nice for folks in perfect health, but they've never had problems with the medical anyway. And there is always the possibility at any time of a cardiac or neurological event that puts you right in the catch-22 bucket.
Andy Walker
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by HAPPYDAN »

Thanks for the clarification, Andy. It sort of tracks back to my original premise, that nothing much has really changed. I think it was a step in the right direction, though.
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by 3Dreaming »

MrMorden wrote:This will help a lot of pilots, but leaves a lot of them in the same predicament.

The big problem here is related to the SI rules with BasicMed. If you have had any cardiovascular problems requiring care, you need an SI. Let's say you have a stent put in. Now you need an SI, which is in fact a medical. EVEN IF YOU HAD A MEDICAL IN THE LAST TEN YEARS, if this is a new condition, you need a one-time SI. Now you are back to the same old catch-22 -- if you apply for the SI and are denied, you can't even fly under Sport Pilot rules anymore. It's hang up the spurs or fly ultralights, balloons, and/or gliders, my friend.

So, many people with cardio (or neuro or psych, but those combined are far fewer) history are in the same boat as before: Apply for an SI and risk ending your flying career for good, or say "eff it" and continue flying Sport Pilot. I enjoy the hell out of flying SP and don't have a great need to fly heavy, fast airplanes, so I know what I would choose.

Honestly, I think the FAA did the bare minimum here to mollify Congress, and there is little relief here for the pilots that need it. It's nice for folks in perfect health, but they've never had problems with the medical anyway. And there is always the possibility at any time of a cardiac or neurological event that puts you right in the catch-22 bucket.
While there is still a little catch 22 involved the FAA has certainly made improvements. For example if you have a stent put in, as soon as you are released for normal day to day operations by your doctor you can apply for the special issuance medical. Before you had to wait 6 months. The whole process with the FAA is also supposed to be streamlined. Another big plus is they limited the requirements of the special issuance to the 3 categories, and specific items within those categories. There were several conditions before that required special issuance that the new regulation will allow pilot to operate under BasicMed.
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by MrMorden »

3Dreaming wrote: While there is still a little catch 22 involved the FAA has certainly made improvements. For example if you have a stent put in, as soon as you are released for normal day to day operations by your doctor you can apply for the special issuance medical. Before you had to wait 6 months. The whole process with the FAA is also supposed to be streamlined. Another big plus is they limited the requirements of the special issuance to the 3 categories, and specific items within those categories. There were several conditions before that required special issuance that the new regulation will allow pilot to operate under BasicMed.
All of that is true. But my problem with this is it still forces pilots with some medical issues to risk never flying again to participate in BasicMed. The catch-22 BS needs to go away entirely. It would be as simple as removing the "can't fly Sport Pilot if you failed your last medical" language. I know that's in there to protect the political butts of FAA bureaucrats, but enough is enough.
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by MrMorden »

eyeflygps wrote:There are some medical conditions where you should not fly at all, depending on the severity. I think it's correct to subject those conditions to closer scrutiny.
I think that is true, but the decision is better made by the pilot and his doctor than the FAA, much like driving a car. Certainly for light aircraft. What we have now is the equivalent of a CDL for every driver.
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by 3Dreaming »

MrMorden wrote: All of that is true. But my problem with this is it still forces pilots with some medical issues to risk never flying again to participate in BasicMed. The catch-22 BS needs to go away entirely. It would be as simple as removing the "can't fly Sport Pilot if you failed your last medical" language. I know that's in there to protect the political butts of FAA bureaucrats, but enough is enough.
Here is wording from the new rule on cardiovascular disease.

Section 2307(e)(2) of FESSA states that in the case of an individual with a cardiovascular condition, the process for obtaining an Authorization for Special Issuance of a Medical Certificate shall be satisfied with the successful completion of an appropriate clinical evaluation without a mandatory wait period.

Time will tell, but based on what I see in the final rule I think the FAA will start using standard medical practices when it comes special issuances. If this is the case, if you can't pass an appropriate clinical evaluation to get the special issuance, you likely shouldn't be flying sport pilot either.
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by MrMorden »

eyeflygps wrote:It would be nice if the right-wingers could refrain from bashing the FAA on every thread. We get it, you don't like regulations and taxes.
Huh? If you are referring to me, I said that I understand why FAA wrote things the way they did, but enough is enough, and that a pilot and his doctor are in a better position to evaluate the pilot's health than the FAA. Is that "bashing"?

Just because I don't want the FAA in charge of every decision doesn't mean I'm bashing them, or don't think they provide some value. It just means I think some things should change. I think the proposal you wrote two posts back makes sense...are we really in opposition here??

And I object to being called a "right-winger"...I bet on social issues I'm more liberal than you are.
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by 3Dreaming »

eyeflygps wrote:It would be nice if the right-wingers could refrain from bashing the FAA on every thread. We get it, you don't like regulations and taxes.
I sure hope that wasn't directed at me, because in no way, shape, or form have I been bashing the FAA.
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by Wm.Ince »

eyeflygps wrote:It was aimed at those who can't seem to post without bashing the FAA.
Are you seeking a "safe space?" :D
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by Wm.Ince »

eyeflygps wrote:No, just less greed, fear, and racism from the right. It's going to be a long 4 years. Trump is too stupid to last 4 years, but Pence will be worse.
That "safe space" is 2 doors down on the left.
Correction . . . far left. :D
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by 3Dreaming »

eyeflygps wrote:No, just less greed, fear, and racism from the right. It's going to be a long 4 years. Trump is too stupid to last 4 years, but Pence will be worse.
Only half as long as the past 8 in a strictly numbers sense. :D
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by MrMorden »

eyeflygps wrote:No, just less greed, fear, and racism from the right. It's going to be a long 4 years. Trump is too stupid to last 4 years, but Pence will be worse.
So I've gone from bashing the FAA to greedy, fearful, and a racist.

Seriously, go piss up a rope.
Andy Walker
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Re: Senate passes pilot bill of rights 2

Post by MrMorden »

eyeflygps wrote:Not everything is about you Andy.
Likewise, I'm sure. Everybody was getting along famously before you decided to get butthirt about nothing at all and start throwing insults.
Andy Walker
Athens, GA
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