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Subpart K Flight Instructor with Sport Pilot Rating

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:32 am
by iagflyer
I have a question about the written test for obtaining a CFIS Airplane. But first... is that the proper way to abbreviate the certificate? Or is it CFI-SP? I've seen it both ways.
Anyway, my actual question... Is the written test for a Flight Instructor with Sport Pilot Rating - Airplane the exact same test as the Flight Instructor - Airplane (FIA). Not the same question set, but the exact same test? If not, do you know what the test code is for the Flight Instructor with Sport Pilot Rating - Airplane?


CFI - Sport Pilot

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:26 pm
Phil - I don't know this with absolute certainty, but I suspect the CFI-SP written is a sub-set of the CFI-A written test. There are certainly aspects that don't appy to SP's such as aircraft control soley be reference to instruments, etc.

I DO know the test codes -

the CFI-A written is the FIA (Flight Instructor - Airplane) and for the sport pilot instructor it is SIA (Flight Instructor Sport Airplane)

I found them on the LaserGrade website here:

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:41 pm
by iagflyer
Thanks Doug!
Not the answer I was hoping to get - but the one I expected.
I had taken and passed the FIA exam almost two years ago (by mistake, I was supposed to be taking AGI - Lasergrade allowed me to retake the correct exam for free because I kept telling the proctor that it was the wrong test). Now I may have an opportunity to get my CFIS and was hoping the those test results would count for this before it expires. Oh well, I guess Lasergrade gets another $100 from me ;>)

Still looking for CFIS vs. CFI-SP - anyone?

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:00 pm
by DKarnage
I did a quick search on the FAA site and CFI-SP is all I saw being used.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:52 pm
by tadel001
Not that it is official but most do SPI and CFI to distinguish the two.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:14 am
by iagflyer
That is sort of my point... CFI-SP, CFIS, SPI, SCFI (my personal favorite) - the certificate has not been legitimized to the point consistency. No one calls a MEI a CFIM or a CFII an ICFI. Even the moderator of this forum (a well respected individual in the industry) uses CFIS where the FAA uses CFI-SP.
Perhaps this will all change when the rules change and subpart K goes away :?

Subpart K Flight Instructor with Sport Pilot Rating

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:32 am
Well, I think that's pretty understandable given the issue that a lot of certificated pilots don't even understand the idea of the sport PILOT certificate, let alone the subtle distinctions of the CFI with sport pilot privelidges that can be earned with someone without a medical certificate, a commercial pilot certificate and an instrument rating.

I wonder if those CFI-SPs (to use the FAA example) will be seen as "second class citizens" in the instructor world.

I think the real benefits of no medical, etc. will ultimately make the sport pilot a successful, sought-after certificate (unlike the recreational certificate) but I beleive it it going to be an uphill road for a while. I think it's going to take a lot of education and promotion on the part of those in the sport pilot business.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:49 am
by iagflyer
I can absolutely say that some in people in aviation will always consider SP & CFI-SP as second class citizens. Just as some think of pilots without instrument ratings as "weekend warriors", and others that think if you don't fly 100 hours per year you can't be a proficient pilot.
One thing I've noticed in my 5 years of being a pilot is that aviation is more "click" based than high school. (at least it is around here). You got the renters, the owners, the eaa'ers, the lawn chair guys, (ultralights), the club from this airport/or that airport, the "old guys", you know - the ones that haven't actually been in a plane since Nixon was in office. And each "click" is quick to point out what's wrong with the other "clicks". In my opinion, its this, not fuel prices, that will be the downfall of GA.
I will guarantee you that if I do get my CFI-SP certificate that every other active CFI in the area will start a smear campaign - perhaps not publicly (no billboards or anything like that), but quietly, behind the back type stuff. It's sad really.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:58 am
by CTflyer
It's not just pilots that have cliques. Take a look at some classic car groups.

Must be a desperate human need to "belong to one group" in order to have support when you ridicule and criticize another group. Like we all need someone to look down on to make ourselves feel better about ourselves.


A new pilot takes his light plane out to the threshold. Holds while a 747 comes in for landing. Watches the 747 smoke and bounce at touch down. The 747 radios "hey - what a cute little airplane! Did you build it all by yourself?"

New pilot replies: "yeah - from parts that fell off yours. Any more landings like that last one and I can build another."


Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:17 am
by iagflyer
Tom, thanks for the perspective.

And I agree - argh!

CFI verses CFIS verses CFI-SP verses CFII

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:19 pm
by Paul Hamilton
First, a CFI is a CFI no matter if it is sport, private, instrument, helicopter, , etc. This was drilled into my head at my FAA examiner training. I fact, they (FAA) do not even like the common industry term CFI, the official FAA term is "flight Instructor" just as it is printed on the certificates. Our industry has developed the term CFI which has been used adopter unofficially by the FAA.
To keep it simple I have been using CFIS because it is a CFI certificate with a Sport rating. Similar to CFII instrument. This does not say CFIIP for instrument pilot. We know it is a pilot so I am promoting and printing the similar CFIS to the CFII. Keep it simple.
For that matter the FAA told be to name my book "Sport Pilot Practical test" since that was the official term they use instead of "sport pilot checkride". It stayed "Sport pilot checkride" because that is the common term.

There is no such term as SPI which was a big mistake many started before it was realized that a CFI is a CFI. This SPI is not accurate and will go away and not be used in the future.

So I suggest using CFIS to most accurately reflect the CFI with a Sport rating. The FAA has not told me to do anything different in my books, DVD's and promotional materials.

silly cliques

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:29 pm
by Paul Hamilton
There will always be someone who flies faster and higher.
From single engine land to multi engine land, From Sport pilot to Instrument to commercial to ATP. From twin engine to turbine. From turbine/jet to rocket.

I remember flying with Gordon Cooper, an astronaut who flew rockets. While we were flying testing alternate fuels in a simple super cub, he said he loved flying the simple aircraft because it was FUN and not work.

Since then, any time someone is cliquish and looks down on me flying a LSA, I feel sorry for them not being able to enjoy the passion/love of flight.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:02 am
by iagflyer
Thanks for the post! CFIS it is.javascript:emoticon(':D')
Very Happy

As for pilot attitudes... I have always been taught to respect the opinions of those with more experience than myself. In aviation, with only 200tt under my belt, most people are more experienced than myself.

I am passionate about aviation, most of my peers are cynical about aviation.

I guess I need to quit worrying about what other people think, and do what I can do to spread the passion.javascript:emoticon(':!:')

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:47 am
by Paul Hamilton
I am always learning somethng (or having the importance of things I already know reinforced) when I talk with other aviators. This is probably one of the best training resources around.

As far as the aviation pecking order, just "ordinary pilots" are Gods to most of the landlocked population.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:21 pm
by Jeff Tipton
Paul; I can relate to that.