LSA endorsement requirements for S-LSA

Paul Hamilton is one of the first persons to become a DPE (Designated Pilot Examiner) for sport pilots. As a full-time author and sport pilot expert, he writes books and produces DVD's for Aviation Supplies and Academics (ASA). Now Paul has graciously agreed to answer your questions here. Thanks Paul! For more information about Paul, please visit and

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LSA endorsement requirements for S-LSA

Post by eidolon »

I have been working with a fellow Ercoupe owner who is currently a Powered Parachute pilot and holds a Sport Pilot license. The local CFIs are confused about what endorsements he will need to transition to fly his new LSA qualified 'Coupe. I have been researching the 2018 FAR regarding Sport Pilot endorsements and have a few questions pertaining to 61.321 and 61.327. Specifically:

61.321 "Privaleges to operate an additional category or class of LSA" indicates that you need logbook endorsements from 2 separate instructors if you wish to operate an additional category or class of LSA. It also mentions an application that you need to present to the (2d) examining instructor. (quote: "Successfully complete a proficiency check from an authorized instructor OTHER than the instructor who trained you on the aeronautical knowledge areas of operation specified in 61.309 & 61.311 for the additional LSA privileges you seek."

OTOH, FAR 61.327, "Specific endorsement requirements to operate a LSA aircraft based on Vh", only requires instruction and logbook endorsement from ONE instructor. It would seem that going from an LSA capable of <87 knots to an S-LSA capable of > 87 knots would BY Definition be an aircraft of different category or class? Therefore, why no 2d instructor (and written application) needed here?
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Re: LSA endorsement requirements for S-LSA

Post by 3Dreaming »

In this case a different category is airplane, glider, powered parachute, or gyroplane. Class would be land or sea. Two different airplanes one with a Vh above 87 kts and one below could both still be airplane land.

The process is pretty simple. You train the student to proficiency, (there is no minimum hour requirement), and they do a proficiency ride with a different instructor. The proficiency ride is done using the Practical Test Standards.

The speed endorsement must be done prior to soloing the airplane. It is the same as for any other sport pilot.

The proficiency check does not require any solo flight time. If they want to solo prior to the proficiency check they will need to meet the requirements of 61.31, d, 2.
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Re: LSA endorsement requirements for S-LSA

Post by drseti »

I did an EAA webinar a few years ago on adding category and class privileges under Sport Pilot rules. You can watch it online at:

As it happens, I'm doing a new webinar this Tuesday night, 17 July 2018, on various rules and endorsements for solo flight. 9 to 10:30 PM EDT. You can register online at:

If you miss the live presentation, the video will be available online afterwards. I'll post the URL here as soon as it's available.

Finally, my DPE website has a page listing all Sport Pilot endorsements required for taking a Practical Test or Proficiency Check, with suggested wording for each. That page is at:
The opinions posted are those of one CFI, and do not necessarily represent the FAA or its lawyers.
Prof H Paul Shuch
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Re: LSA endorsement requirements for S-LSA

Post by eidolon »

Thanks for all the replies and additional info on this subject. Your references help clear up the area for me - although I have a lot more study to do.
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