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Took mom for a $100 hamburger for her 80th birthday

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 7:12 am
by rcpilot
My mom's birthday was a couple weeks ago. On her birthday she had flown(commercial) to NH to see my brother. He took her for a ride on his Honda Gold Wing. So, not wanting to be out done, I told mom I'd take her somewhere in my plane. She had flown with me once before shortly after I had gotten my license(only 6 years ago). She lives near Princeton so when I visit I usually fly to Princeton Airport(39N) and she meets me there. I picked her up at 39N and we flew over to Sky Manor Airport(N40). It's about 15 minutes away and they have a restaurant, the Sky Manor Café. We had a delicious breakfast. Took her back to Princeton and then off to my home base.