Seeking insights from new SP's age 40+

Constructive topics of interest related to aviation that do not match the other section descriptions below (as long as it is somewhat related to aviation, flying, learning to fly, sport pilot, light sport aircraft, etc.). Please, advertisements for Viagra will be promptly deleted!"

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Location: Taylor, Az

Post by ka7eej »


PM me if you have any specific Page or Allegro questions!!!

Owner of N3081X (Cover Girl) A Beautiful Allegro 2000 as seen on the cover and inside of several magazines!!
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Post by Targetbuster »

I'm late to the party on this thread, but I'm 53 and just got my SPL in March '11. Was it worth it? Would I get my PPL now instead? YES and NO. I've been hanging around airplanes my entire life and have had many opportunities to learn to fly but there was absolutely nothing about a Cessna 152 that made me want to put in the time and effort to do it. I took an intro ride in an Evektor Sportstar in May of 2010 and I was hooked, I mean really hooked. Light sport may be restricted, but for those of us who don't want night flying or IFR, it's GREAT!
Sport Pilot
Posts: 73
Joined: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:50 am

Post by goinaround »

I too am late for the party. I can relate to everything you said in your iniital post. I'm 55 and just got my spl this spring. If you could find my rants (old posts) they would probably hit home with you.
I love sport pilot with the only complaint of late the availability of aircraft.
I have no desire to fly at night or ifr, perhaps with a bigger budget I would be somewhat interested. When the weather sucks I'll do something different.
I just flew into Ocracoke Island, N.C. this past weekend and must say the takeoff along the ocean was as special as any I have ever done.
I am very glad I ran the Gauntlet. :lol:
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