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Greetings from Australia

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:52 pm
by jfleming
Hi All,

Just joined from Australia.

I am the owner of an Evektor Sportstar, and looking for other Sportstar owners to share info etc.

Cheers all

Re: Greetings from Australia

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:24 am
by Scooper
Welcome aboard, John, and Happy New Year! One of my mates here in San Francisco is from Melbourne.

Re: Greetings from Australia

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:38 am
by Warmi

Evektors seem quite popular around here ... there are at least 3 within about 50 miles radius where I reside but on this forum , DrSeti will probably be the source for any Evektor related questions since he :

- runs a flight school utilizing Evektor planes
- has all necessary training and ratings to do his own maintenance on these Evektors ( and LSAs/Rotax in general)
- has tons of GA/LSA related experience

Re: Greetings from Australia

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:10 pm
by akroguy
Welcome, John.

I recently purchased a 2006 Sportstar SE and live in New Mexico. Really a fun airplane! So far, no issues encountered and I am continually pleased with the engineering that went into it and the flying qualities.

Re: Greetings from Australia

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:15 pm
by jfleming
Hey all,

Thanks for the replies! :)

I might start a thread just for us Sportstar fans! I really do love my Sporty!! Great plane to fly and quite comfy!

I learnt to fly in one, so when it came time to buy, it was pretty much a no brainer for me.

Here she is - When she was a bit cleaner. LOL!
sporty-small.jpg (114.93 KiB) Viewed 24112 times

Re: Greetings from Australia

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:46 pm
by drseti
Nice to have you with us, John. Where in Oz are you, and where do you base your plane? I tried to rent a Cherokee just outside of Sidney about 20 summers ago, but got hammered by PM t-storms before I even got airborne!

I'm on my second SportStar now. First was a 2006 Plus; I upgraded it to a Max and ran it to 1800 hours before selling it to one of my graduates. Replaced it with a 2010 Max which is now approaching 800 hours and going strong. They're great airplanes, and make fine, stable trainers.

By all means, feel free to start a SportStar thread under the Light Sport Aircraft topic, and post whatever questions you have.

Re: Greetings from Australia

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:51 pm
by jfleming
G'day drseti,

I am in a place called Yass, which is in NSW. I am about 3 hours drive S/SW from Sydney - Pretty close to Canberra. My bird right now is on the coast, but I am bringing her to an airport not too far up the road tomorrow. So will make flying much easier as currently it's a 3 hour drive to get to her.

Mine is also the Max, with an inflight adjustable prop - which I am still learning to get the best out of.

I really do love this plane, and like you will fly her for a while, and then upgrade. I do like the newer ones with Glass etc. Very sexy!

I have created the thread, so hopefully we get a few Sporties in there :)


Re: Greetings from Australia

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:58 am
by dstclair
drseti wrote: I'm on my second SportStar now. First was a 2006 Plus; I upgraded it to a Max and ran it to 1800 hours before selling it to one of my graduates. Replaced it with a 2010 Max which is now approaching 800 hours and going strong. They're great airplanes, and make fine, stable trainers.
After a fairly long hiatus from flying, I got back into the game 10+ years ago by getting current in a SportStar. I too found the plane a very stable trainer, roomy with well-balanced controls. My 5 or so hours sold me on going the Light Sport route although I ended up purchasing a Sting S3 instead. The only minor 'con' with the SportStar was (what I believe) is the relatively narrow distance between the mains which makes it feel a little unstable on the ground in gusty conditions. This, plus the lower clearance of the wing, may also be the driver behind lower demonstrated crosswind spec of 10 kts.

Re: Greetings from Australia

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:18 pm
by drseti
dstclair wrote: This, plus the lower clearance of the wing, may also be the driver behind lower demonstrated crosswind spec of 10 kts.
Actually, that's changed. The original AOI listed demonstrated crosswind component as "Inexperienced pilots, 10 kts. Experienced pilots, 15 kts." A few years ago, they published a Service Bulletin modifying that. They eliminated the dual numbers (probably because there was no FAR defining experienced vs. inexperienced). They also raised the number to 18 kts, due to more experience with the design I real-world conditions. Of course, any pilot is free to self-evaluate and set more conservative personal minimums.

Re: Greetings from Australia

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:30 pm
by dstclair
Good to know. thanks.