
Pilot? Student pilot? Future pilot? Interested in learning to fly? If you're reading this forum, you've got flying in your blood! SportPilotTalk is a great place to ask questions about this exciting new segment of (more) affordable aviation!

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Post by 4rjn »

Hi all you wonderful people. I finally am able to move forward with a life long dream, it only took me 56 years:) Any how I will be pursuing my sport pilot license as I can not qualify for a private pilot license. I am looking to purchase an aircraft that fits my intended mission. I like to go longer distances for fun. I don't have anyone within reasonable driving distance to rent a plane so I figured I would by one and get trained in my own. There is one CFI that is in the area who might be willing to instruct me. So that is my plan! Anyone want to give suggestions as to a certain make and model plane that might be good please feel free to let me know. I have some time in a coyote II, and a Piper Cherokee but nothing logged. I am on the fence as to high or low wing. I am just learning and not sure if there are benefits or negatives about on over the other. Thanks Rod
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Re: Finally!!

Post by JimParker256 »

I'm going to "get controversial" and say that high-wing vs low-wing is really pretty immaterial. I've owned and flown both, and there are advantages and disadvantages each way. It may just come down to personal preference for you, if you feel strongly one way or the other.

At the moment, I'm flying a high-wing ELSA (Coyote II) because it was the best plane available in my price range that met my side-by-side "light STOL" requirements, while providing sufficient useful load to fly with reasonably large passengers. A big part of my "mission" is to fly EAA Young Eagles (kids) and Eagle Flights (adults). But I've also flown (and loved) Sport Cruiser, Remos, and Tecnam (both high and low wing versions). I would probably own a Sport Cruiser if the useful load was a little better (I'm a big guy, and with even a "slim" instructor, we're at max gross with just about an hour's worth of fuel in that plane. But that's MY issue, not the plane's! And I'm working on it...)

If there's a local "community" of sport pilots near you, find out what other folks near you are flying, and where they get their maintenance done. We're lucky in Dallas because we have multiple FBOs with LSA fleets, and maintenance shops that know Rotax engines pretty well. Other places, you're going to be pretty much on your own. A buddy of mine owns a CH-750 that he bought mostly because he has another friend who owns one, and they flew together a lot. Being able to work on each other's planes, fly formation together, and get into all of the same "tight" airfields was what drove his decision.

To each his own! The important thing is to find what YOU like and will enjoy flying the most, then go FLY it! Good luck!
Jim Parker
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Re: Finally!!

Post by Warmi »

There is no substitute for getting into a plane you are interested in and testing it out.

They all have very similar specs ( all are LSAs after all) but they all fly and feel different and since we all have our own , often hard to verbalize , preferences - there is no other way.
When I was looking for a plane, I would try just about everything to get some time in different models - dealer demos , “introductory flights” in various flight schools with different LSAs - whatever worked.
Last edited by Warmi on Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Finally!!

Post by drseti »

The 2020 Sport Aviation Showcase has been tentatively (re)scheduled for 28 - 30 January 2021 in DeLand FL. Should give you lots of opportunities to kick tires and get demo flights.
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Prof H Paul Shuch
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Re: Finally!!

Post by Dave C »

I hate to bring up insurance. It is not my favorite subject lately but it is something you should plan for when buying a plane to train in. The best thing would be if your instructor has some experience in the make and model that you are looking at. If that is the case, insurance will probably not be an issue. If the instructor doesn't have experience you may need to pay to get them trained or at least build some time in your aircraft.
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Re: Finally!!

Post by drseti »

Regarding a CFI being insured in your plane: to my knowledge, Starr is the only underwriter whose Open Pilot clause automatically covers any instructor training the owner. No minimum hours specified in make and model. I know Falcon Insurance in Kerrville TX handles Starr policies. Other brokers may as well.
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Re: Finally!!

Post by malexander »

4rjn wrote:Hi all you wonderful people. I finally am able to move forward with a life long dream, it only took me 56 years:) Any how I will be pursuing my sport pilot license as I can not qualify for a private pilot license. I am looking to purchase an aircraft that fits my intended mission. I like to go longer distances for fun. I don't have anyone within reasonable driving distance to rent a plane so I figured I would by one and get trained in my own. There is one CFI that is in the area who might be willing to instruct me. So that is my plan! Anyone want to give suggestions as to a certain make and model plane that might be good please feel free to let me know. I have some time in a coyote II, and a Piper Cherokee but nothing logged. I am on the fence as to high or low wing. I am just learning and not sure if there are benefits or negatives about on over the other. Thanks Rod

Where are you located?
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Re: Finally!!

Post by 4rjn »

I live in Northeastern Ohio very close to 7G8 Middlefield. Thanks for some of the early input especially the insurance one. I had no idea that could be an issue so I will proceed with that valuable knowledge in hand. I really haven't been able to find any local sport pilot people. I know a few guys at Geauga airport but they are all Private Pilots or higher rating. I think if that show in January becomes reality it would be a very good idea to attend. I also didn't know that you could get demo rides in planes at the shows. Honestly the only show I have been to is Oshkosh/airventure 2 times and that is so huge it is kind of overwhelming. Please if anyone else has suggestions or experience they would like to share I would appreciate it. I would rather learn from someone else then think I know it all and make a bunch of mistakes. Thanks again, Rod
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Re: Finally!!

Post by drseti »

When you get to the point of actually considering an aircraft purchase, I invite you to watch my online video "How To Buy A Used LSA."
Here's the link:
The opinions posted are those of one CFI, and do not necessarily represent the FAA or its lawyers.
Prof H Paul Shuch
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Re: Finally!!

Post by 4rjn »

Thanks I will check that out. I am ready to purchase now I just am not sure which fits my needs and taste the best. Take Care, Rod
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Re: Finally!!

Post by AGLyme »

buying a plane is a fun journey... i went to Sun n Fun and met all of the usual prospects. My requirements were the occasional long journey and mostly solo sightseeing/lunch trips... I wanted to see if I like flying enough to go the distance some day and earn an IFR and possibly a 4 place plane. I bought a Flight Design and couldn't be happier. I discovered that there are lots of trade offs in plane choice, but FD was the "best" in terms of all of the features. I actually prefer high wing due to the heat, shade and I really like seeing the ground as I look left and right... low wings I believe are safer in the pattern. Take as many rides as possible and be careful of "internet advice" oftentimes, the news is old and the things that we "bad" about a plane are old news and have been fixed by the manufacturer, etc... have fun.
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Re: Finally!!

Post by 4rjn »

Thanks AGLyme I really appreciate different peoples prospectives. You have some very good points for me to consider.
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Re: Finally!!

Post by 4rjn »

Thanks drseti I think:) I watched the whole webinar and honestly now I feel overwhelmed again. There was a lot of information to digest in the hour and half webinar. There are a lot of rules and regulations that chased me away from pursuing my license 25 years ago and watching the webinar kind of brought back some of those old memories. That is not to say it was a bad webinar, quite the opposite is true. It was very good with an enormous amount of information. I often wonder how someone new ever can digest so much information, acronyms, and lingo! I am sure most seasoned pilots don't even know they are talking a different language to someone new like me. I do appreciate your knowledge. Take Care, Rod
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Re: Finally!!

Post by drseti »

You're right, Rod; you're learning a whole new language, and it can certainly be overwhelming. None of this can be digested at a single sitting.

The reason I've been doing these webinar videos (41 so far, with 7 more in the queue for now through the end of 2021!) is so that folks like you can watch them over and over again, at your leisure. So, take your time. Eventually, I promise you, it will all come together.

Safe Skies,
The opinions posted are those of one CFI, and do not necessarily represent the FAA or its lawyers.
Prof H Paul Shuch
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Re: Finally!!

Post by 4rjn »

Thanks Paul, I will definitely look at more of your webinars! Thanks for helping.
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