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Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 8:32 am
by MackAttack
I recently joined ... Very inexpensive website but there is a small cost. PIREPs on different places to eat, golf, camp, stay, etc. at or near various airports around the US. Coverage is a little spotty but it's a decent source for this kind of thing especially as you plan a cross-country. Recommended as cheap entertainment ...

The site is owned by John Purner, who literally wrote the book entitled "The $100 Hamburger" ... He's been doing this for over 20 years. Nice guy, I've emailed a bit with him. I also recommend his self-published books, particularly "02 Golf," a short book he wrote about his first plane (C150) and his planned trip in it from Houston to San Diego. It's basically an extended and entertaining PIREP from 1993 ... Since I now live in Houston and my kids live in San Diego, I really got a kick out of it but I think any LSA pilot will empathize with his experiences on that trip ...

He has written some other books (I have but have not yet read The Chicenfried Cafe).

Anyway, for what it's worth ... You might want to check it out!
